The weather is (finally) cooling off, stores are stocking up on bags of candy, and the pumpkin carving is under way.
That means it’s almost Halloween, and consumers across the country are gearing up for a frightfully fun holiday.
#How old is too old to trick-or-treat? #What time dose trick-or-treat start? #What dose trick-or-treat mean? #How old do you have to be to trick-or-treat? #Where did trick-or-treat come from?
#Halloween Sweets
Halloween donuts - Candy corn - Halloween pudding cups - Halloween chocolate - Candy apples #Halloween Costume Ideas #Americans will spend $6.9 billion in total on Halloween #Halloween-Celebration-Costume-Sweets #Pumpkin Carving #Trick-Or-Treat #Halloween 2015
The song is far less literal than that. The meaning of "Hello" isn't about reconnecting with an ex-boyfriend. "Hello" is about Adele reconnecting with herself.
In her Twitter announcement of 25, her third studio album and first in four years, Adele talked about growing up and finding herself again.
She called 25 a "make-up record" because, as she put it, "I'm making up with myself."
"25 is about getting to know who I've become without realizing," she wrote.
So in the opening lines of "Hello," Adele greets someone. "Hello, it's me/ I was wondering/ If after all these years/ You'd like to meet/ To go over everything," she sings. Taking "Hello" as a song addressed to herself, these lines become about a woman looking to rediscover who she is after years of not knowing. That jibes beautifully with
25's stated mission.
"Hello" is not a literal song. The "million miles" she says separates her from the person she's addressing aren't physical — they're emotional. No one who's been through what Adele has could possibly be in the same place psychologically. In four years, she's grown leaps and bounds. "Hello," and by extension 25, are an exploration of what it's like to come together with yourself after such growth.
With the release of this song, Adele seems to be saying she has met herself. Now, she's ready to introduce this new Adele to us.
The accompanying music video has racked up more than ten million views not even a day of its release,Directed by Xavier Dolan ,The first music video to be shot by IMAX cameras.
#Adele new song 2015.
#Adele's "HELLO"co-star_Tristan Wilds.
#Actor/musician Tristan Wilds cast opposite Adele in the “Hello” video, which was directed by Xavier Dolan.
#This is why there's a flip phone in Adele's "Hello" video.
#The accompanying music video has racked up more than ten million views not even a day of its release.
#Directed by Xavier Dolan
#The first music video to be shot by IMAX cameras.
#Adele new song.
#New studio album by Paul McCartney.
#Song-Composition type.
#Adele 25.
#Tristan Wilds,Adele
#Kate Hudson, Katy Perry, Sam Smith and More Stars Are Losing It Over Adele's New Single.
يوافق العاشر من المحرم من كل عام - وهو الذي يطلق عليه يوم عاشوراء - أحداثـًا تاريخية عظيمة ؛ فهو اليوم الذي رست فيه سفينة نوح على الجودي فصامه نوح عليه السلام ، روى ذلك أحمد عن ابن عباس ، كما أنه اليوم الذي أهلك الله فيه فرعون ، ونجّا
موسى عليه السلام ، وكان النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ يصوم هذا اليوم قبل هجرته في مكة ، ولما هاجر النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ إلى المدينة ، ووجد اليهود يصومونه ، قال : [ أنا أحق بموسى منكم ][متفق عليه] . ولقد كان النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ حريصـًا كل الحرص أن يخالف اليهود خصوصـًا بعد أن استقرت الدعوة في عهدها المدني ، واستشكل الأمر على بعض الصحابة فقالوا يا رسول الله إنه يوم تعظمه اليهود والنصارى ، فقال النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ : [ إذا كان العام المقبل إن شاء الله صمنا اليوم التاسع ] ، قال : فلم يأت العام المقبل حتى توفي رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ [رواه مسلم ]. قال ابن القيم : فمراتب صومه ثلاث : أكملها أن يُصام قبله يوم وبعده يوم ، ويلي ذلك أن يصام التاسع وعليه أكثر الأحاديث ، ويلي ذلك إفراد العاشر وحده بالصوم .
والذي ورد في فضل صيام عاشوراء أنه "يكفّر سنة ماضية" رواه مسلم ، أما ما ورد من التوسعة على العيال فيه والاكتحال فيه فهذه كلها أحاديث ضعيفة و بعضها مكذوب .
The Islamic New Year, or lunar Hijri calendar, begins with the sighting of the new moon which counts as the first day of the month of Muharram. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. This holy festival is celebrated by both the sects of the Muslim religion, Sunnis and Shias. This month of one of the four most sanctified months of the Islamic calendar. It was on this day that Allah created heaven and earth. The month is also considered more significant as on the 10th day of Muharram, that is, Ashurah, Prophet Muhammad�s grandson, Hazrat Imam Husain Ali was brutally massacred along with his family and other followers. Hence, the 10th day turns to be of more religious significance. The day of Ashura is highly mourned by the Shia Muslims. Read on to know how the day of Ashurah is celebrated across the world.
How Is Ashurah Celebrated
The day of Ashura falls on the 10th day of the month of Muharram. The word �ashura� literally means ten.
The day is observed for different reasons and in different ways by the Sunnis and Shias. The Sunni Muslims observe the day as a quiet affair. During the reign of Prophet Muhammad, He observed the local Jews observing a day of fast at this day of Muharram which the Jews considered to be their Day of Atonement. On asking, the reason given for the fast was that Moses started observing the fast as away to express gratitude to God for liberating the Israelites from Egypt. Hence, the Prophet himself started fasting and recommended the other Muslims also to do so. However, in order to distinguish from the Jews, he suggested fasting on two days, the 9th and the 10th of Muharram.
Sunni Muslims observe these fasts although they are not compulsory. However, a person fasting on the day of Ashurah is believed to be rewarded with 10,000 martyrs and the reward of 10,000 people performing Hajj and Umrah. There are other activities that Sunni Muslims carry out on Ashura. A person should place his hand on the head of an orphan. He should perform Nafl Salaat prayers and also recite Surah Ikhlas 1000 times. He should give out as mush charity as he can afford. One should take a bath, cut nails and apply surma in his and others� eyes. Meeting an ill person on the day of Ashura is considered as visiting the siblings of Hazrat Adam. One should also serve water to others. Serving water for one time is counted as not disobeying Allah for even a blink of an eye.
While for Shia Muslims, the day of Ashura has become a national holiday in countries, such as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon and Bahrain. People in these countries commemorate this day as a grieving and mourning occasion. People assemble at mosques
where sorrowful and poetic recitations, such as marsiya, noha, latmiya and soaz are performed to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husain. People chant �Ya Husain� while grieving to the tunes of the beating drums. The battle of Karbala is retold that enables the mourners to relive the pain and sorrowed endured by Husain and his family.
In places like Iraq and Lebanon, people read Maqtal Al-Husayn narrating the story of the battle. While is countries like Iran and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, passion plays are performed enacting the battle and the suffering and martyrdom of Husain at the hands of Yazid. People take out large processions of taziya or taziyeh, miniature mausoleums of Imam Husain and his family. The taziyeh are made of wood, bamboo, tin foil, mica and glass. They beat their chests, known as matam, to display their devotion to Husain and remember his suffering. Male participants incorporate in wounding themselves with small knives and sharp tools attached to the chains into the matam.
The taziyeh are carried through the streets and buried at the local Karbala at the end of the day.
Comedian and actor Chris Rock will return on February 28 to host the Oscars for a second time,
Organizers of the US awards show announced on Wednesday.
"Chris Rock is truly the MVP of the entertainment industry," said
show producers David Hill and Reginald Hudlin in a statement.
"Comedian, actor, writer, producer, director, documentarian – he's done it all. He's going to be a phenomenal Oscar host!"
Rock last hosted the Oscars in 2005, when "Million Dollar Baby" won best picture. He got mixed reviews, with some panning his performance and others praising his biting humor.
#2016Chris Rock
# US comedian Chris Rock to host Oscars
#US comedian Chris Rock