
Ancient Egypt

The Black Land, the eternal river,

  Scorching wild terrain adorned by cities and pyramids Gift of the Nile, treasure of Ra, 

she is ancient Egypt. 

Her cities shimmer, drained of color in the glare of noon

As docks seethe with activity, as crocodiles patrol the waters.Her scent of lotuses, the black earth, and roasted waterfowl Reaches the merchant at his stall, and the thief who prowls the alleys.

Egypt's sleeping thousands rest in hovel and villa and palace

With amulets around their necks, on headrests of wood or ivory or gold.
The dead rest in their spices and wrappings deep in the tomb,
Surrounded by murals, jewels of lapis lazuli, boats to the afterlife.
Reigned by pharaoh, inhabited by nobles and commoners and slaves Guarded by the glorious gods, immortalized by the peaceful dead.
An expanse of golden sands, with a ribbon of silver running through,
She is ancient Egypt.


Amazing Facts About Your Body

The human body might appear ordinary,but holds many interesting facts in it . Here is a list of  several surprising facts about our body : -

- Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
- A human sheds a complete layer of skin every 4 weeks.
- 15 million blood cells are produced and destroyed in the human body every second .
- If 80% of the human liver was removed ,it could still function and would eventually restore itself to its original size .
- There is enough Iron in our body to manufacture a 3 -inch long nail.
- The surface area of a human lung is equal to a tennis court .
- The nose continues to grow throughout your life .
- People with allergies can lower their allergy reactions by laughing .

Your life saving must knows:-

-  you must know your blood pressure.
- you must know your heart rate.
- you must know your LDL cholesterol level.
- you must know your fasting blood sugar.
- you must know your body fact.
- your ideal body weight.


Committ To A new YOU :)

Make This Year In The Calendar Changes After Every 365 Days , but My Good Wishes Remain Throughout The Year .  I Wish The World To Be Different From What I See. The war, the Violence, the Blood I Want To Be Free. No More Lies, no More Cheating, no More Fake Smiles, and No More Pretend. I'll Walk Away From The Signs Of Pain. I'll Loose Nothing Nor Will Gain. I'll Walk Away From The Tears.
I Wish No More Killing , no More Kids With No Home . I wish Peace In All Countries , No More News About Kids Got Killed In Any Where , No More Kids Beg For Money In Streets , 2013 Can My Wishes Come True , as I Wanna Commit To A new Me
I'll Keep Dreaming Until All My Wishes Comes True .
Happy New Year . Happy New YOU :)