Showing posts with label #skincareshopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #skincareshopping. Show all posts


Be a smart Skincare Shopper

The internet is full of the other people's skincare routines and misinformation. I have seen so many people copy someone's skincare routine just because it worked for that person, and have seen it do more damage than good.

Here are some tips to be a smart Skincare consumer

  • Don't copy someone else's skincare routine without research! Understand your skin type, your skin allergies, and do a ton of research into products before purchasing them. This can save you a lot of money in the long run because you'll know more before you try it blindly. 

  • Understand common skincare ingredients.They are more common active skincare ingredients. Taking the time to understand what they are and how they work can be very beneficial so you can understand how products that contain these actives ingredient may affect your skin.

  • Look at multiple sources. You shouldn't be getting all of your research from one source. Always look at multiple websites to understand a full spectrum of information. Also remember that there are lots of opinions on internet. This can cause a lot of misinformation.

  • Don't make snap skincare purchases just because you're curious. Again take the time to do your research. Skincare is definitely a time commitment too, but it's so worth it.

  • Understand your skin! figure out if certain ingredients cause irritation or clogged pores for your skin. Everyone's skin Is different. You may be lucky having resilient skin, but you may be not so lucky and have a sensitive skin.

  • Shop from credible places. Instead of constantly trying out products from the drugstore, or spending money on sketchy third party websites, shop from places you know and trust. Also shop from places like Sephora where you can return items that don't work for you.                                                    

  I hope this can start to help you navigate the very confusing world of Skincare. It's an investment in time as well as in money, so just be smart about where you are spending it!