Showing posts with label #smile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #smile. Show all posts


Your Guide To Soft Lips


Lip scrubs will remove the dead skin from your lips and leave them soft!

Don't Lick Them

Licking them actually dries out your lips and will make them become more chapped.

Keep Them Moisturized

Keep your lips moisturized and healthy with a natural moisturizer, such as Coconut oil/Olive oil.

Stay Hydrated

" Drink Water " yes I know, this is commonly said, but believe it or not it actually keeps your lips moisturized.

Don't Smoke

If you smoke, try not to, especially If you want soft lips. Smoking causes your lips to become dark, crushing and wrinkly.

Exfoliate W/A Toothbrush

Another way to exfoliate is taking a toothbrush and scrubbing your lips. Rinse with warm water.

Use Chap stick

This one is pretty obvious ( I think ), either way always keep chap stick with you to keep your lips moisturized & soft, be careful with what brands you use, some of them are harmful and are full of different chemicals 

- Try to go for more organic brands.

Remember everyone is different and some of these tips may not work for you, but that's okay. 


Smile! It Is the second best thing to do with your lips.

Be as bold as your lipstick.