
Happy Easter - 2019

Dear Easter Bunny

This Year Could You Fill My Eggs With Health & Happiness

 and Deliver Them To Everyone In This World . Thank You 


Healthy Habits - Daily Countdown

9 Thousand Steps  

8 Hours Of Sleep

7 Glasses Of Water 


6 Minutes Of Mediation

5 Servings Of Fruits & Veggies

4 Breaks Stretching & Mental

3 Meals & Healthy Snakes

2 Hours Of No Phone Before Bed

1 Session Of Exercise


  • Life Is Not Morley Being Alive, But Being Well.
  • For Happy Health, Fuel Yourself With Dreams & Greens.
  • Life Is Healthy, But Lifestyle Makes It Unhealthy. 


Tips for Getting the Best Deal When Shopping at Ulta

Ulta Beauty, Inc

Is the largest beauty retailer in the U.S. and the premier beauty destination for cosmetics, fragrance, skin care products, hair care products and salon services.

Since opening their first store in 1990, Ulta Beauty has grown to become the top national retailer providing All Things Beauty. All in One Place.

ULlta offer more than 20,000 products from approximately 500 well-established and emerging beauty brands across all categories and price points, including Ulta private label Ulta Beauty Collection.

They offer a full-service salon in every store featuring hair, skin, brow and makeup services.Ulta Beauty is recognized for its commitment to personalized service, fun and inviting stores, and  industry-leading Ultamate Rewards loyalty program.

 2019 UltaMate Rewards Perks.

Birthday Gifts 

You must have purchase history on your account to trigger a birthday gift coupon. All UltaMate members with purchase history should get a coupon on the first day of their birth month to redeem a gift in-store. They also get 2x points during their month of birth. The birthday gift  changes every month in 2019, but it changed by quarter before that. Platinum members get a $10 coupon with their birthday gift.

Earning and Redeeming Points

You cash your points in for actual money off purchases. To make the most of the program, I suggest delving deeper into how to earn and redeem points.In the simplest terms, only redeem in increments of 2000 and utilize multipliers and bonus point offers as much as possible. Make sure you know how to run the math, so you get all the points you should. The more multipliers you combine, the harder it is to calculate.


WrestleMania 35: Becky Lynch wins first ever all-female main event

Becky Lynch won the headline Winner Takes All match at WrestleMania 35 at the first ever all-female main event in WWE's history.

Originally from Limerick, Ireland, she's now both  the Raw and Smackdown champion after beating title holders Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair.
Ahead of winning she tweeted: "Today is the day when you and me change how this business works."
WWE's biggest show of the year has been described as a game-changer.
Fans have been gripped with the huge rivalry between the three wrestlers over the past year.
During its 35-year history Wrestlemania's main event has seen the likes of The Rock, Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker fight it out for the WWE's top prize.
Known as The Man, the-32-year-old has helped inspire a generation of female wrestlers.

Wrestlemania 35: Why an all-female main event is a 'huge step forward'

"For so long, the wrestling industry has seen women as second-class citizens," Rihannon Docherty, who wrestles as Rhia O'Reilly, tells Radio 1 Newsbeat.

WWE say this year's WrestleMania grossed $16.9m (£12.9m) breaking the record at New Jersey's MetLife stadium for the highest grossing entertainment event ever.

It also set an attendance record at the venue with a sold-out crowd of 82,265, with WWE claiming fans had travelled from 68 countries.


Bitcoin Price Crossed $5,000

Today, Bitcoin price crossed the $5,000 touching the highest level since November 2018. In terms of percentage, it was a move of over 20 percent and it occurred at 06:21 AM London time. At the time of writing, the Bitcoin price moved back below the level of $5,000, but I believe this is only temporary as long as the momentum holds. This is because since touching its lowest point of $3136 back in December 2018, the bitcoin price has scored 61 percent gain, and year-to-date, it is up nearly 25 percent.


Bitcoin is a kind of a beast which has the ability to score more than 20 percent gains on a daily basis and we have seen this kind of rally towards the end of 2017 before the price crashed after it touched the all-time high of $20K (approx.). However, it has been a long time since we saw a move like the one today and it is going to attract many investors who have been sitting on the side line waiting for this moment.

LakeBTC 520x450

The fact is that 2019 is turning out to be a good year for Bitcoin. We have three consecutive months of gains as shown in the chart below. This is the first time we have this trend. These three consecutive months have more momentum in terms of price action compared to the last three months of 2018.

Good news doesn’t stop here for the bulls. What could also attract retail money is the fact that we have six consecutive weeks of gains, a trend not seen since the price made an all-time high.


Glow Up - Glow In Your Own Light

Glow Up

Glow In Your Own Light 

Exercise 5-7 Times a day 

Face Masks Twice a week
Drink at Least 40 oz. Of Water a day 
Eat More Fruits 
Take Care Of Your Hair 
Remain Positive & Confident
No Soda & Sugar
For More Beauty Tips Check My Previous Post  

Tips for beauty

GLOW UP - 2019



The Dirt Does No Justice to Mötley Crüe's Wild Legacy

 The Dirt Does No Justice to Mötley Crüe's Wild Legacy 

This weekend, when you think about watching The Dirt, the new Mötley Crüe biopic on Netflix, don't. And it's not because it's demeaning towards women, or that it condones outlandish rock 'n' roll antics, that's so bothersome. It does both of those things, but then again, this is Mötley Crüe we're talking about here. Even though the film embraces mirrors covered in coke, syringes full of heroin, and plenty of female nudity, The Dirt never stops feeling like the bedtime story version of Mötley Crüe’s reign.
That’s because it is. The four actors—Colson Baker (aka Machine Gun Kelly) as Tommy Lee, Iwan Rheon (aka Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones) as guitarist Mick Mars, Daniel Webber as lead singer Vince Neil, and Douglas Booth as bassist Nikki Sixx—come off like endearing rascals who love taking off their pants in public as much as they do a new bag of blow. Somehow, despite there being one scene in which Tommy Lee punches his fiancée in the face and another in which Vince Neil, while driving under the influence of anywhere from five-to-ten substances, gets into a car wreck which kills Hanoi Rocks drummer Nicholas “Razzle” Dingley, I wasn’t offended once while watching Jeff Tremaine’s adaption.
I never felt bad for their manager Doc McGhee, played by David Costabile, who had to resort to Literally handcuffing his artists to their beds to keep track of them before ultimately getting fired. I never felt bad for their label rep Zutaut, played by Pete Davidson, not even when Neil has sex with his girlfreind. Come to think of it, I didn't even feel bad when SIXX hooked up with Lee's fiancee right before he met his parents!
Which, if you've read the book, you know is a problem.
The Dirt : Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band,

the 2001 book written be journalist Neil Strauss in partnership with all four members of the band, is highly offensive. It is full of vile, problematic, and super illegal things. There is a scene in which Nikki Sixx recalls a rape story, in which in the middle of having sex with a woman, he has Lee take his place. 

 ( He has since stated that he neither remembers that event nor telling Straut 
about the event; he had relapsed and was using both drugs and alcohol during his interviews for the project. Sixx is now a sober and dedicates much of his time to educating about opioid addiction.) And there is real darkness. At times, it’s heavy read, one that grapples with addiction and sobriety and excess and ego.“I think it’s a story of survival,” SIXX told Rolling Stone this month, speaking of the memoir and film. “It’s the story of a gang of unlikely characters that climbed a mountain together only to self-implode and have to figure it out. We really are a four-headed monster and sometimes we just fucking bite each other.”

He’s right, but really only for the book. The movie never inspires you to root for anyone. It never even makes you hate anyone, which it should. You never feel like the men are lucky for being alive—not even Sixx, who literally died of a heroin overdose in 1787 before being revived with shots of adrenaline straight to the chest.
The problem might very well be that the real Mötley Crüe story simply isn’t an R-rated tale. That putting it into film in 2019 runs the risk of being banned from any respectable platform. Or, since since the famous self-mythologizers were involved in the production of the film—all of them are co-producers, and all are very different from the maniacs they were at their peak—it's not out 
of the question that they would want to clean up their own legacy, retroactively.
Lucky for us, the original story still exisits. And if reading it feels like too much a task, there's also a beyond wild Behind the Music from 1998 you can check it out. Alternatively


اربح المال من الانترنت

ربح المال من الأنترنت بأبسط الطرق _ 2019

ربح المال من الإنترنت من خلال العمل الحر ( الفرى لانسر) _ 2019

سواء كنت مبتدئ ولا تعلم شئ عن المواقع الإلكترونية أو العمل على الإنترنت أوكنت صاحب خبرة مسبقة  دعنى أخبرك أن هذه المقالة ستساعدك على تحقيق دخل إضافى من الإنترنت قد يصل إلى مئات الدولارات شهرياً كل ما عليك هو إتباع الخطوات التى سأشاركها معك فى هذه المقالة من البداية حتى النهاية .
ربح المال من الأنترنت من خلال العمل الحر ” الفري لانسر ” إشتهر العمل الحر فى الوقت الحالى و أصبح هناك زيادة فى الطلب عليه

مواقع عربية للربح من الإنترنت والعمل من المنزل ( فرى لانسر ) - 2019

موقع خمسات

وهو عبارة عن تقديم خدمات مصغرة مدفوعه يتم شرائها بمبلغ مادي يتم تحديده من قبل صاحب الخدمة، و يعد موقع  

 خمسات  من أشهر مواقع العمل الحر و الخدمات المصغرة فى الوطن العربى حاليآ، 

و تكون الخدمات المتاحة كالتصميم على الفوتوشوب،

 كتابة المحتوى أو الترويج لمنتج و هناك الكثير من الخدمات يمكن مشاهدتها على موقع خمسات. 

للإشتراك إضغط هنا

موقع كلامكو

هو منصة الكترونية تتيح لك الربح من كتابة الموضوعات ونشرها بالموقع.

موقع كلامكو يتميز بسهولة العمل كل ما عليك فعله أن تكتب المقالات الشيقة.

فأنت مدير نفسك. ويتم احتساب الأرباح فى موقع كلامكو بناء على عدد الزيارات لموضوعك.

للإشتراك إضغط هنا

موقع فايفر

وهو منصة تسمح للفريلانسرز من جميع انحاء العالم من عرض خدماتهم بمقابل مادى يبدأ من 5$

موقع فايفر هو سوف عالمى لعرض وطلب الخدمات مثل الترجمة وإدارة صفحات فيسبوك و إنشاء فيديوهات و

كتابة المقالات وغيرها من الاعمال البسيطة .
للإشتراك إضغط هنا

موقع سواج بكس

هو منصة توفر للمستخدمين مكافأة بنظام النقاط للقيام بمهام بسيطة على الإنترنت مثل البحث فى شبكة الإنترنت

ومشاهدة الفيديوهات واستكمال البيانات ويتم استبدال النقاط فى موقع سواج بكس هدايا وتحويلها إلى أموال.

وأيضا يمكنك تحميل أيقونة موقع سواج بكس على جهازك للمزيد من الربح .

للإشترالك إضغط هنا

أى أسئلة أو إستفسارات فى الكومنتس :)